It once was David, the complainers claim, but now it’s become Goliath. Selling out its original independent aims to become a media and celebrity-driven extravaganza, which has been co-opted as little more than a testing groundįor studios on the prowl for a cheap acquisition.
Inįact, like some of the films it has championed over the years, the main gripe with Sundance these days is that it has become a victim of its own success, This, a film that, with only a touch of hyperbole, could be said to have remade the festival into the modern titan it is today. Robert Redford‘s involvement as a guiding patron led to its name change inġ981, from which point on it expanded gradually, until a kind of Cambrian explosion occurred with the arrival of “ sex lies & videotape” 25 years ago. Independent films, and to promote filmmaking in the region. Humble beginnings back in 1978, when it was inaugurated as the Utah/US Film Festival and had a remit to showcase exclusively American-made As you might have noticed from the wall-to-wall level of coverage over the last week or so, the Sundance Film Festival has grown considerably from its